Tuesday, June 10, 2008

* Then began the discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without exception. One has to be compassionate towards everything, including one's own self and thoughts.
The Eye of the I p. 343

* It is necessary that you develop respect for spiritual endeavor. Straight and narrow is the path, waste no time effort. Precision is discipline that is innate to serious commitment. Some students may yet be in a period of exploration, but once one gets the 'fire in the belly', the urge to reach God becomes a drivenness or relentless drive, or even, in the eyes of the world, a 'madness'. From that point on, there is no patience for amusement or diversion. It depends on decision, will and the level of consciousness, and karmic propensities. As it gets more intense, the love for God and of God allows no delay. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, topic: "Spiritual Economy", pg. 153

* In highly motivated, spiritually-disciplined groups, approximately half of the people in the group reach the goal of Unconditional Love (e.g. twelve-step groups, spiritual / religious ashram devotees, monastic renunciates, members of spiritual communities, such as Zen monasteries, etc.).
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

*Three simple requirements for enlightenment
1. An intense desire to experience Pure Awareness.
2. The discipline to act with constant and universal gentleness and forgiveness towards everything, without exception, including towards one's self and one's thoughts.
3. The willingness to hold one's desires in abeyance and surrender one's personal will in every moment.

* A useful decision or choice is to decide to stop mentally talking about everything and refrain from interjecting comments, opinions, preferences, and value statements. It is therefore a discipline to just watch without evaluating, investing worth in, or editorializing, commenting, and having preferences about what is witnessed. One then sees the rising and falling away of phenomena and the transitory nature of appearance which, with ordinary mentation, is conceptualized as a
sequence of cause and effect.
Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, pg. 88