2) He directed people to look inward rather than seeking outside themselves for Realization. ("The true Bhagavan resides in your Heart as your true Self. This is who I truly am," he said.)
3) He viewed all who came to him as the Self rather than as lesser beings. ("The jnani (enlightened one) sees no one as an ajnani. All are only jnanis in his sight," Sri Ramana said.)
4) He charged no money, and was adamant that no one ever ask for money (or anything else) in his name;
5) He never promoted or called attention to himself. Instead, Sri Ramana remained in one place for 55 years, offering spiritual guidance to anyone of any background who came to him, and asking nothing in return;
6) He considered humility to be the highest quality.
7) He said the deep sense of peace one felt around a jnani was the surest indicator of their spiritual state, that equality towards all was a true sign of liberation, and that what a true jnani did was always for others, not for themselves.