The willingess to find out has to grow in the seeker of truth. We have to want to find out more than anything. This is because on the search for truth one comes to the end of the known (mind), and is called to surrender into the absolute unknown. The "what if..." of hell can raise its head at this moment. What if this is a trap, what if I am giving my soul away, what if something evil takes control of me/my mind, what if I cease to exist or end up void...
At some point it can be recognized that not knowing and being trapped behind fear/terror is already hell. And when one grows tired of being kept prisoner to fear, then can come the willingness to find out. The willingness to risk it all arises. The seeker finds in their heart the recognition that they choose love, peace and forgiveness above all else.

(Photo by dharma, http:/
Something takes hold. Where there was doubt, absolute certainty of safety and benevolence takes hold. There is nothing to fear in the Unknown. Rather it is Home, and an endless mystery of being and joy. In the absolute will for peace and love to all beings, one knows that their will and God's will are not different.
The heart proves true. All fear (false evidence appearing real) is known to be but an illusion and to hold no power. The axiom, "walk straight ahead no matter what" leads to the revelation that only Love is Real.
© Jonathan Kalman 2007